Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am now a producer!!

I finally made a video! My wife has been an expert at this for quite some time and it looked like fun. So, I asked her to show me how to do it. It only took about 15 minutes or so and now I am ready to make a video of anything. I did start off small. I just did a few pictures from our last Family Home Evening (FHE). I told the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis who were a group of people who had been a bloodthirsty and evil people misguided by the traditions of their wicked parents. They were converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ through a missionary named Ammon.

After they were converted to the the Lord, they buried their weapons in the ground and promised God they would never raise their weapons again to hurt anyone. This promise cost them about 1,000 of their numbers when they were attacked by their own people who did not like that they had converted to the Lord. However, while they were being killed without defending themselves because of their promise to God, many of their brethren had a change of heart and were also converted to the Lord. In fact, their numbers were increased by more than they had lost that day. The Ammonites were sad that they had lost so many of their brethren, but they knew that those who died were righteous and they would live with God forever.

Our FHE included relating this story to our lives and burying our weapons of war. We defined our weapons of war as things that we did that we shouldn't. We wrote these items on paper swords and went to bury them in the backyard. For example, Miranda wrote that she would not tease her brother anymore. She is very good at teasing her brother and we were happy to see her decide to do that on her own. We went and buried all of our swords in the backyard and promised Heavenly Father we would not do them again. We had a fun time and it was a very learning-filled experience for all of us. If you have good FHE ideas, please share. Enjoy the video.


Nicky said...

I love the video it is insperational. I want to bury something.

Hunter said...

Awesome. Great story, love that particular bit of Nephite History. And what an excellent way to teach that principle to the younglings. The video was superb. I look forward to your next entry.