Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Weird People

Now, don't get me wrong. I consider myself an extremely weird person. Although I would classify myself as a goofy, silly, I-know-I-am-different kind of weird. I think my wife would attest to this and most of the people who know me. However, do you know people who have no grasp on reality? Oddly enough - are most of these people co-workers or family? For me, I won't get too specific although no one reads my secret blog anyway.

I know an individual (that sounds safe enough) who has complete detachment from reality. She (uh oh, I am losing vagueness) has been literally brainwashed by her crazy boyfriend. What is with intelligent women and choosing and staying with deadbeat boyfriends? I am sure this will be a topic for another blog another day. Anyway, she believes that her social security number is a satanic government number meant to lead people down to hell.

This is just the beginning. I could go on and on for days. I won't. I don't like talking about people that much even I am not using their name. But, I am blown away by what people will believe with little or no evidence, yet when some things are presented with a lot of evidence - they don't believe.

So, what may be weird that you believe in or do? I have tried to scour my life in order to see what weirdness I may have. Here is a brief list:

1. I have a collection of action figures (a rather large one). Although this hobby is perfectly acceptable among enthusiasts - not too socially acceptable.
2. I enjoy reading comic books. I definitely would take a well written comic series to a tv show.
3. I can quote most of LOTR (you should be able to figure that one out) and Star Wars.
4. Actually, I pretty much fall into most of the categories of Weird Al's White and Nerdy song.
5. I pronounce some words differently. I used to say ungin for onion. I have corrected that one. I am trying to perfect miracle. I tend to want to say mare-icle.
6. Don't get me started on funky medical things I have had (shingles twice, spots, bald spots on my head, moving bald spots on my face, lypomas on back, gall stones, constant cancer sores).

I will stop there as any further mentioning of my weirdness will cause my wife to rethink her marriage choice (only reader of my blog anyway)! Come on, share your weirdness.
By the way, this is my son, Logan, being himself. I don't know where he gets it??

1 comment:

Hunter said...

Weirdness is a matter of perception. What one considers weird might be perfectly normal for someone else. For instance, comic bookreading and action figure collecting, I enjoy both. I'm sure a lot of my collecting weirdness comes from desires to have such things when I was a child, but never had those desires fulfilled because of an evil stepmother who controlled virtually every aspect of my life. And physical freakishness is something we all try to hide, like unusually long hair growth on my ears. Fortunately, we're not women so a certain amount of freakish abnormalities is accepted. I think you're great. Live it up. Be freakish and proud of it!